Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

It's almost the weekend. Finally.
We have a really exciting weekend lined up. My father and brother-in-law are flying in on Friday night because this weekend, M's company, Modern Performance, is racing in an endurance race called 24 Hours of Lemons. The race takes place over 2 days at a track about 30-40 miles south of here. Each team has a car that they spent no more than $500 on, excluding brakes, tires, and safety gear. All of the employees at the company get to take a turn driving the race car. M's parents and sister came down last year and it was a blast, so his brother had to come this year to see what all the fuss is about. It will be fun to have them around for the weekend.
Sunday, I'm opting out of driving down to the race again and instead, I'm running the Houston Half on Sunday morning, still thinking of trying to stick with the 10:30s, but, depending on how my shins feel, it may be a little slower or faster than that. Sunday afternoon, my boss is hosting a bar-b-que for all of the people on her projects. I think it will be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to that as well. I imagine I'll be pretty sore and not interested in doing much other than sitting. Hopefully people can deal with that.
I have a bunch of pictures to upload and post one of these days - brownie baking, cinnamon roll baking, and I'm sure we'll get some pictures from the races this weekend.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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